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KIRAFASHION: Bicycle, Guitar and Kate Hudson (Edit on Monday: Who Gonna Marry Owen Wilson!)
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Blog Archive

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Bicycle, Guitar and Kate Hudson (Edit on Monday: Who Gonna Marry Owen Wilson!)

Hello Fashions!
How are you today? This morning i rided my bike in the sidewalk and came back home. It´s another raining day here and i am relaxing a little bit. I did play my guitar too, this morning, i enjoy to do songs and play someone´s else too. So, for inspiration today, i really enjoy this photo with the dress and coat of Kate Hudson, who is doing a movie with Anne Hathaway. Let´s wait to watch them together! The title of the movie is Bride Wars.
EDIT: Kate and Owen Wilson are engaged! They came back together and gonna marry next year! For who doesn´t remember, he was so bad after break up last year, he tried to kill himlself because of her, i am glad they are ok and together now!
A kiss and a hug,
Thanks for passing here,
See you,
Links of the day:
Olá Fashions!
Como estão hoje? Esta manhã eu andei de bicicleta no calçadão e voltei para casa. Hoje está um dia chuvoso mais uma vez e estou aqui relaxando um pouco. Eu também toquei meu violão, esta manhã, eu gosto de compor canções e também tocar músicas de outras pessoas. Então, para inspiração hoje, eu realmente gostei desta foto com o vestido e casaco de Kate Hudson, que está participando de um filme com Anne Hathaway. Vamos esperar para vê-las juntas! O título do filme é Bride Wars.
Um beijo e um abraço,
Obrigada por passar por aqui,
Até logo,


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