simple is beautiful
KIRAFASHION: Tom Ford, Terry Richardson and Alex Schultz
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Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Tom Ford, Terry Richardson and Alex Schultz

I am speechless about these last photos of Tom Ford. The shots are made by Terry Richardson and the brazilian model Alex Schultz is there too. Let´s remember that Tom Ford won a prize as the best fashion menswear designer from the CFDA (Council Fashion Designers of America), in New York, last monday, and the designer from Calvin Klein, the brazilian Francisco Costa, won as best fashion womenswear designer. The images are strong, but i confess that i like it. Don´t you? Is nudity the new fashion?
Eu estou sem palavras sobre estas últimas fotos de Tom Ford. Os cliques foram de Terry Richardson e o modelo brazileiro Alex Schultz está nesta campanha. Vamos lembrar que Tom Ford ganhou o prêmio de melhor estilista de ropas masculinas no CFDA (Council Fashion Designers of America), em New York, segunda passada, e o estilista da Calvin Klein, o brasileiro Francisco Costa, ganhou na categoria melhor estilista de roupas femininas. As imagens são fortes, mas confesso que gostei. Você gostou? Nudez é o novo fashion?


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